I have been wanting a wheel hoe for my home garden for sometime. It's not a item you see at the box stores. It's something I never really think about until my back is hurting from making furrows, or weeding the garden with a hoe. I started looking to see what's available. There are several designs to chose from. They all look like they would do the job. The one thing they all have in common is that they are pricey. If you have a garden of any size they would save a lot of work. So the price maybe worth it in the long run.

This is the Planet Wizbang model. It can be purchases as a kit or complete. The web site also give information on how to built it your self. The already finished model it is $199 shipped less the handles which are $60- $75 depending on the ones you want. www.plantwhizbang.com

This one is just for fun. It's also the low cost leader. Sometimes you just got to work with what you have. I do it all the time.

This the Hoss. Designed after the original Planet Jr. model from a century ago. I must be a good design to still be the standard today. It costs $189-$239. It comes the the cultivators. Other implements are available. www.easydigging.co

This is the Oak Valley model. It sells for $265 and comes with either a metal wheel or inflated rubber tire. www.valleyoaktools.com

This is the Earthway big wheel. Sells for $105-$130. www.earthway-outlet.com
These all look like they will do the job. I like the smaller wheel design and the handles more to the rear look like they would do a better job of digging. I have used the big wheel model and they work fine but they feel wobbly. The big wheel is difficult to use around larger plants, it just gets in the way. I think the wheel needs to big enough to roll over the soft soil with minimal effort. I would like to be able to use different attachment to accomplish as much work as possible. Most of these manly come with the oscillating hoe (hoop) which is used for weeding and breaking up the soil. I grow corn so making furrows, weeding, and hilling are all important.
After looking I think I will try and build one. It all boils down to time, money, and desire. My Dad once told me deciding whether one should buy something or do it yourself, comes down to time and money and which you have more of. I think he was right. Like most people I find both to be in short supply most of the time. I enjoy building things so desire is not a problem.
This spring I had more money than time, so I got the wheel hoe from Easy Digging that you mentioned above. It's very nice. They now have pistol grips for it and three sizes of oscillating hoe, which bolt on in a very simple way that may work with the wheel hoe you are building.